Editorial comment on this plate:
from: Our Pictures:
“CHIANTI,” by the well-known amateur photographer, Mr. Alfred Stieglitz, possesses many points of attraction to which we would call the attention of our readers. First, it is a fine piece of composition. The naturalness of the posing and the arrangement combine together to form a most artistic picture. We wish, however, to specially remark upon the excellence of the reproduction. It is printed in no less than five different colors or tints, a new process that has been perfected by the Photochrome Engraving Company. The blending of the colors is perfect and the proofs have already been much admired by some of the leading artists and publishers of this city, who consider it the finest thing of the kind that has ever been produced. (p. 752)
This plate, inserted between pp. 720-721, is engraved in lower left corner:
Printed and Engraved by Photochrome Engraving Co.,
162-166 Leonard Street, N.Y.
Please see another version of this photograph at Related Work link below.