Die Fischerstochter | The Fisherman’s Daughter

Die Fischerstochter | The Fisherman’s Daughter

Seated on a ladderback style chair, the daughter of a fisherman repairs a net suspended from the window before her, which provides the sole source of light for the home interior.

This is the fifth photogravure of seven included within Art historian Richard Stettiner’s text essay printed for the portfolio, which can be found under the group heading for this work. Pagination on index page indicates DÉSIRÉ DE CLERCQ was from Grammond, Belgien. (sic- Grammont)

Désiré Declercq: 1842-1923

The following historical chronology of the photographer appears courtesy of the Directory of Belgian Photographers hosted online by Fotomuseum Antwerp. (FOMU)

Life dates: Grammont, 1842 – Grammont, 1923

Activity: 1874 – 1914 > Grammont

Albert Désiré, ° 7.10.1842; + 26.12.1923. Notary. Pioneering amateur, although we can find no corroborating evidence for his longevity as in this compliment: “devoted amateur constantly active for nearly half a century” (Hélios illustré, 15.12.1894). Pictorialist of the first generation, with a preference for landscapes and studies of rural life. Some of Declercq’s subjects were subsequently republished as postcards. Founder member of the ABP; vice-president of the Courtrai section of the ABP in 1897. Corresponding member of the “Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Amateur-Photographie”, Hamburg in 1896. Corresponding member of the “Société Photographique de Lille” in 1896-1900. Following in the footsteps of his father and uncle, he was active in Liberal politics. Member of the Ghent section of the ABP in 1922.

Die Fischerstochter | The Fisherman’s Daughter

Image Dimensions13.0 x 10.0 cm Plate #5

Support Dimensions48.5 x 35.2 cm

Exhibitions | Collections

Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg: Die Netzflickerin, albumen print: 1896: inventory # AB 1988.524, Sig. Juhl


Photographische Rundschau: Magazine for friends of photography, edited by Dr. R. Neuhauss, Halle a. S., Wilhelm Knapp, 10th year 1896, p. 325 (reproduction template)

– Jens Jäger, Rüdiger Joppien, Enno Kaufhold et al., Art Photography around 1900: The Ernst Juhl Collection, exhibition catalogue, Museum of Art and Crafts, Hamburg, 23 June – 27 August 1989, p. 206