Loch Voil

Loch Voil

The following account is provided on separate letterpress along with photographic plate:

“About this illustration Mr. H. P. Robinson writes us the following note: “This little picture was produced amidst splendid scenery and much joviality, which not even flying Scotch mist could damp.  The beautiful piece of water known as Loch Voil is set among the Braes of Balquhidder, famous among other things as containing the grave of Rob Roy. On a certain day, early in September, the President and Officers of the Glasgow and West of Scotland Amateur Photographic Association decreed a Picnic in the Highlands to the judges of their Exhibition just opened, and this slight reminiscence is dedicated to the eternal memory of a day that has never been surpassed for truest hospitality.”
The photograph is from a No. 4 Cartridge Kodak film negative.

Loch Voil

Image Dimensions8.9 x 11.0 cm : Plate No. 7

Support Dimensions23.1 x 15.2 cm