On the Wissahickon

On the Wissahickon

On the Wissahickon was first published as a plate photogravure in the December, 1892 issue of Sun & Shade. The following comments appeared in the index describing the photograph:

This is a view on a little stream just north of the City of Philadelphia, which is, or used to be, a favorite lunching and trysting ground for certain of the people of the Quaker City, who sang its praises, just as our Boston friends did, and do, we may say, of the River Charles. It has many quiet nooks along its banks that are very inviting on a hot summer day. It is a favorite spot for artists. 1.

1. Plate XXXII: On the Wissahickon. : from: Sun And Shade: New York: December, 1892: Vol. V.  No. 4.  (Whole No. 52)

On the Wissahickon

Image Dimensions16.5 x 24.3 cm | 13.8 x 22.5 cm (Japan tissue)

Support Dimensions23.5 x 28.2 cm | thin, manilla leaf