The Chain Bridge at Newburyport, Mass.

The Chain Bridge at Newburyport, Mass.

Editorial comment on this plate:

Our illustration this week is by Mr. Otis P. Gould, an amateur who is rapidly making his way to the front rank.
The Chain Bridge which spans the Merrimac River at Newbuyport, Mass., connects the main land, at a point about two miles north of the centre of the city, with Our Island, the home of the well-known authoress, Harriot Prescott Spofford. The river was first spanned at this point in 1792, over 100 years ago, by a wooden bridge. The two piers were erected in 1810 from which twelve lines of chains were suspended to support the weight of the roadway. It is a very unique structure; its chief peculiarity being the hand-wrought chains; their massive strength seems unlimited, although they are considered unsafe by timid people. This was the first suspension bridge erected in New England, and is claimed as the first erected in the United States. A ride over this bridge for the first time is an everlasting one in the memory of them that have crossed it. Although the bridge is considered perfectly safe, it settles three feet when electric cars or heavy trams pass over it, and presents a frightful appearance to visitors to this ever interesting place.

The Chain Bridge at Newburyport, Mass.

Image Dimensions12.1 x 19.1 cm | published October 20, 1893 | issue No. 631

Support Dimensions21.1 x 28.8 cm