The Lonely Road

The Lonely Road

The Lonely Road typically appears without the addition of this cowboy and his two horses, emphasizing, literally, the empty road.

The photographer made this combination print in the darkroom by first creating a separate negative of the cowboy (blown up to match a foreground landscape) from his photograph Yosemite Cowboy and sandwiching it with his original negative of The Lonely Road.

The original photograph of Yosemite Cowboy probably dates to the late 1920’s, although it could be from a later visit.

This hand-colored lithobrome print has been varnished, seen here in its unconserved state.

The Lonely Road

Image Dimensions18.7 x 23.8 cm

Support Dimensionsnone

Print Notes

Recto: Signed in black ink by the artist lr: Sigismund Blumann; uneven application of varnish with losses to print surface. This probably would be considered a “work” print by the photographer due to its uneven application of varnish.  Although he went to the trouble of signing it, the evident lack of sharpness in the cowboy and horses from his internegative perhaps gave the artist pause in perfecting a better version, although at least one other known signed example has been documented on the web.

Verso: In graphite by the hand of the artist: The Lonely Road

Exhibitions | Collections

Minneapolis Institute of ArtThe Lonely Road, 20th Century, gelatin silver print: Accession Number  99.231.2 (unknown if version includes cowboy)


Acquired for this archive from Michaan’s Auctions, Alameda, CA: August 16, 2024, Lot # 3245; From the late Stephen Headley’s Collection, former owner of Osceola Gallery, Emeryville, California.