Une dame en blanc

Une dame en blanc

Photo-Club de Paris founder member Robert Demachy provides an analysis of this photograph from the salon in his essay: “Le Salon de Photographie,  Avril 1897” :  “Mr. Craig Annan continues to provide us with an example of how sober composition and tone can produce a powerful and very personal effect.  Mr. Craig Annan is undeniably at the fore-front of the artistic movement in photography and it is rare to see a position that has so quickly and triumphantly been acquired being safeguarded with such authority.  His portrait of The Lady in White has been compared to Terburg several times and indeed it is true that you can find in the portrait qualities of the Dutch master.  The folds of the dress are perfectly arranged. You can hardly regret the curved line, which is unlike that of the body, created by the back of the chair covered by the model’s clothing.  The value of the white material is exquisite as it is in complete harmony with the flesh of the face.  The lady’s profile in full light stands out without melting into it.  The accessories are sober and the whole effect is colourful, warm and alive.  This portrait would be enough to confirm Mr. Craig Annan’s reputation, but he does not stop there.” 1.

1.   J. Craig Annan: Selected texts and bibliography: Edited by William Buchanan: Clio Press: 1994: translated from the French: p. 78: extract: Bulletin du Photo-Club de Paris, vol. 7 (1897)

Une dame en blanc

Image Dimensions19.9 x 14.2 cm Planche XV