Winter Moonlight

Winter Moonlight

Editorial comment on this plate:

The accompanying picture of Willows in Winter is from a negative by Mr. W. I. Lincoln Adams, managing editor of this magazine. Its title was suggested by the effect of the picture in photogravure. The exposure was not made by moonlight, of course, though the photograph with its rather strong contrasts: its broad masses of light and shade; and its lack of finer detail in the shadows; when printed in the dark green of the photo-gravure, fulfills the demands of the title in a peculiarly satisfactory manner.
The negative was really made, Mr. Adams says, one morning in February about five years ago. It is one of the collection of pictures, rendered in photo-gravure, entitled ”Montclair: a Series of Photo-Gravures from Nature,” which Mr. Adams made with his camera of the picturesque surroundings of his home in New Jersey, during the past several years, in the hours of recreation he could spare from editorial duties. We reviewed this artistic collection of photo-gravures, briefly, in the Photographic Times for December 13th, 1889; and presented our readers with one of the plates in the issue of July 5th of the same year. We understand that the entire edition of this collection of photo-gravures was purchased by the Montclair Photo-Gravure Publishing Company, through whose courtesy we are permitted to use this plate. “New Jersey Woodlands” was received so gladly by our readers, accustomed as they were to Mr. Adams’ written work alone, we take pleasure in giving them, this week, another specimen of his landscape photography.
The country which it, with others, illustrates, is most interesting and picturesque. Less than fifteen miles from this office, it teems with natural pictures of the wildest and most charming character. The rapid changes of material growth are now making themselves more apparent, of course; but even yet, the nature-loving photographer can find pictures on almost every hand in this lovely
country, with the slightest search, which will fill him with delight to behold in nature and make the most attractive photographs for his portfolios and albums.
Central and Prospect parks, the Hudson and Bronx River haunts, have become tame and trite to New York photographers. Let the landscape loving photographer of this city and neighborhood take a ramble with his camera on the Orange Hills, and he will find a comparatively speaking, “undiscovered country,” especially on the western slopes of the first range and on both sides of the second hill. Mr. Adams is always eager to conduct a party, large or small, to the beautiful haunts about his picturesque home.
The picture we here present is not one of the wilder sort. It was selected because of its pleasing lights and shades, and for its really beautiful moonlight effect. The negative was made on a Carbutt Keystone “B” plate with a Morrison wide angle lens.

Winter Moonlight

Image Dimensions14.4 x 19.7 cm | published February 7, 1890 | issue No. 438

Support Dimensions20.5 x 28.7 cm