Zonsondergang | Sunset

Zonsondergang | Sunset

Editorial comment for this plate:

With the plate.   (translated)

Finally! many of our subscribers will say, when he or she receives the record, already expected last month, now.

We imagine that people will be satisfied with what is offered here, for which we owe none other than Mr. JOH. A. BAKHUIS in Olst, one of the corphaeën (leaders?) and one of the most famous amateurs.

We hope to be able to give something from Mr. Bakhuis again in a few months.

Johan A. Bakhuis: 1857-1934   (Olst | Amersfoort)

Amateur photographer Johan A. Bakhuis exhibited as early as 1888 in Amsterdam. He is listed in 1891 in the Photographic News of London when he won the bronze medal for amateurs taking part in the Amsterdam International Photographic Exhibition. He  was said to “possess considerable merit, as also does the collective exhibit of the Haarlem Amateur Photo Club.” –(October 9, 1891)

Exhibition | Publication record for Johan Bakhuis – 1888-1907 (translated)

Algemeen Handelsblad 20 September 1888: participated in the exhibition Amsterdam 1888 Mint building: children’s groups; PhJ 1891, pp. 101-102 awarded exhibition Amsterdam 1888 Mint building landscapes in the Netherlands and studies and exhibition AFV Amsterdam 1889; PhJ 1891, p. 104 awarded mutual competition AFV; Lux 1889-1890, p. 22 awarded Exhibition AFV 1889, Amsterdam.; Lux 1889-1890 opposite p. 40 supplement December 1889: ‘To the Maliebaan’ in collotype by Loman & Co.; Lux 1891-1892, p. 63 awarded exhibition 1891 Militiezaal Amsterdam; Lux 1891-1892, p. 88 awarded exhibition Amsterdamsche Courant, Amsterdam 1891 Brakke Grond; Lux 1893-1894, p. 223 entry exhibition Maastricht 1894 Augustijnerlokaal; Lux 1893-1894, pp. 323, 346 awarded exhibition Groningen 1894 De Harmonie; Lux 1897, p. 477 participation in exhibition Dordrecht Collections: Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg (Sammlung Juhl) Lit. Die Kunst in der Photographie 1902; Hansma 1903-1907; Leijerzapf 1978, p. 90; RKD artists  Source: Bakhuis, Joh. (1857-1934) : List of Dutch amateur photographers and their circle before 1900: Dissertation: Mattie Boom: Doctoral degree: Erasmus University Rotterdam: “Kodak in Amsterdam The Rise of Amateur Photography in the Netherlands 1880-1910” (pp. 145-46)

Zonsondergang | Sunset

Image Dimensions12.0 x 16.6 cm Published in issue No. 9, February 27, 1904

Support Dimensions15.9 x 24.1 cm