H.R.H. Princess Eulalie, Infanta of Spain

H.R.H. Princess Eulalie, Infanta of Spain

Editorial comment on this plate:

We take pleasure in presenting our readers, in this Convention Number, with an excellent portrait of H.R.H. the Princess Eulalia- the best photographic portrait which Her Royal Highness has had made in this country. The negative is by the Messr. Pach Bros. of Broadway, New York City, who have long enjoyed an enviable reputation as photographers of the very highest order. The public press of late has printed so much concerning the gracious subject of this sketch that it is unnecessary for us to add any word of comment here. Everybody knows who the Princess Eulalia is, though everybody has not seen so excellent a likeness as we have the pleasure of presenting our readers in this number of The Photographic Times.
The messrs. Pach Bros. made a number of negatives of H.R.H. both large and small, but the one selected for The Photographic Times was considered by H.R.H. to be by far the best one. It has been reproduced by the New York Photogravure Co. by the well-known high-grade copper-plate (photogravure) process.

Infanta Eulalia of Spain : 1864-1958

H.R.H. Princess Eulalie, Infanta of Spain

Image Dimensions20.8 x 15.0 cm | published July 14, 1893 | issue No. 617

Support Dimensions28.7 x 21.1 cm