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Folder: Die Kunst in der Photographie : 1902

Folder: Die Kunst in der Photographie : 1902

Hermann Hirzel
Volume Cover: Studies from Nature

Volume Cover: Studies from Nature

Cover: Some Memories of a Scottish Photographer

Cover: Some Memories of a Scottish Photographer

Nichol Elliot
Cover: 1930 Blue Prints Album

Cover: 1930 Blue Prints Album

Helen Chase Gage
ELBE 91 Series black clasp Folder

ELBE 91 Series black clasp Folder

Cover: Idyls of Hawaii

Cover: Idyls of Hawaii

A.R. Gurrey Jr.
Cover: Eben Holden: edition de-luxe

Cover: Eben Holden: edition de-luxe

Cover: Die Kunst in der Photographie

Cover: Die Kunst in der Photographie

Program Cover: Lytrit style portrait by Strauss

Program Cover: Lytrit style portrait by Strauss

J.C. Strauss
Cover: 1896 Exposition d’Art Photographique Salon Catalogue

Cover: 1896 Exposition d’Art Photographique Salon Catalogue

Edme Couty
Cover: Sunshine and Shadow

Cover: Sunshine and Shadow

Cover: In Arcadia

Cover: In Arcadia

A Study of The Modern Evolution of Plastic Expression

A Study of The Modern Evolution of Plastic Expression

Cover: Life and Nature

Cover: Life and Nature

George B. Wood Jr.
Cover: Bits of Nature: A Series of Ten Photogravures from Nature

Cover: Bits of Nature: A Series of Ten Photogravures from Nature

Cover: Bits of Nature: Ten Studies in Photo-Gravure

Cover: Bits of Nature: Ten Studies in Photo-Gravure

Cover: Bits of Nature: Ten Photogravures of American Scenery

Cover: Bits of Nature: Ten Photogravures of American Scenery

Cover: Les Procédés D’Art en Photographie

Cover: Les Procédés D’Art en Photographie

Cover Verso Detail: La Photographie Est-Elle un Art?

Cover Verso Detail: La Photographie Est-Elle un Art?

Constant Puyo
Volume Cover: Homespun Essays

Volume Cover: Homespun Essays

Cover: The Year-Book of Photography and Photographic News Almanac for 1882

Cover: The Year-Book of Photography and Photographic News Almanac for 1882

Volume verso: Notes sur La Photographie Artistique

Volume verso: Notes sur La Photographie Artistique

Constant Puyo
Volume Cover: Notes sur La Photographie Artistique

Volume Cover: Notes sur La Photographie Artistique

Constant Puyo