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Showing 169 - 192 of 307 Results
Full-Length Portrait

Full-Length Portrait

Baron Adolph de Meyer
An Old Fashioned Girl

An Old Fashioned Girl

Davis & Sanford
The Coquette

The Coquette

Davis & Sanford


Davis & Sanford
The First Communion

The First Communion

Frederick Gutekunst
The Fruit Seller

The Fruit Seller

Shapoor N. Bhedwar
Portrait Study

Portrait Study

Oscar Suck
A Portrait

A Portrait

George M. Morgan
The Dice Players

The Dice Players

John Dumont
Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail

Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail

Mary L. Patten
Charles Rann Kennedy

Charles Rann Kennedy

Alice Boughton
Oriental Study

Oriental Study

Chas. A. Hellmuth
The Fan

The Fan

Holmes I. Mettee


Constant Puyo


Maurice Bucquet


Robert Demachy
Woman and Child Looking out Window

Woman and Child Looking out Window

Robert Demachy
A Chautauqua Student

A Chautauqua Student

Juvia Johnson, Unknown
Margaret Goulding Vacuuming

Margaret Goulding Vacuuming

E.D. Goulding
Mother and Child

Mother and Child

Henry Abercrombie Roome
The Novel

The Novel

Clarence Ponting
Woman Looking out Studio Window

Woman Looking out Studio Window

The Misses Selby
By the Lake

By the Lake

H.B. Vanderveer
To a Greek Girl

To a Greek Girl

Emma Justine Farnsworth
1 6 7 8 9 10 13