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Showing 193 - 216 of 307 Results
Ode XXIV  ❉ | Anacreon

Ode XXIV ❉ | Anacreon

Emma Justine Farnsworth
How Dear to me the Hour

How Dear to me the Hour

Emma Justine Farnsworth
Ode XIX   ❉ | Anacreon

Ode XIX ❉ | Anacreon

Emma Justine Farnsworth
The Monochord

The Monochord

Emma Justine Farnsworth
Ode XIV   ❉ | Anacreon

Ode XIV ❉ | Anacreon

Emma Justine Farnsworth
Kodak Girl in Sheep Field

Kodak Girl in Sheep Field

Edwin H. Fait
Taken from Life by the Three Color Process

Taken from Life by the Three Color Process

Dr. Adolf Miethe
Two Tramps

Two Tramps

The Misses Selby
The Odor of Pomegranates

The Odor of Pomegranates

Zaida Ben-Yúsuf
Woman graduate holding Diploma

Woman graduate holding Diploma

James L. Breese
Five O’Clock Tea

Five O’Clock Tea

Catharine Weed Barnes
Study from Life

Study from Life

J.M. Appleton
H.R.H. Princess Eulalie, Infanta of Spain

H.R.H. Princess Eulalie, Infanta of Spain

Pach Brothers Studio
The Old Old Story

The Old Old Story

W.C. Walker
Summer Days

Summer Days

William B. Post
Woman with her West Highland White Terrier

Woman with her West Highland White Terrier

The Misses Selby
A Challenge

A Challenge

James L. Breese, Rudolph Eickemeyer Jr.
Requiescat in Pace

Requiescat in Pace

Charles Berg


Rudolph Eickemeyer Jr.
A Winter Idyl

A Winter Idyl

James L. Breese
Miss Bertha Galland

Miss Bertha Galland

Benjamin J. Falk
Little Butterfly

Little Butterfly

Rudolph Eickemeyer Jr.
Study in Posing

Study in Posing

Léopold-Emile Reutlinger


Corydon G. Snyder
1 7 8 9 10 11 13