After the Rain

After the Rain

After the Rain was taken by Stieglitz in Mittenwald, Germany when he was 22 years old in 1886. The first known exhibition of this photograph, with its’ title being  Nach dem Regen-  Schweiz , took place in Berlin in 1889. This photograph, additionally  published as a plate photogravure in Sun & Shade in January, 1892, (1.) depicts a street scene in the Bavarian Alps. At center a laborer loads firewood onto a type of sled. A small remarque featuring mountains appears below the atelier credit (N.Y. Photogravure Co.) in lower right margin outside image.

1. Plate XL: Amateurs’ Page. – After the Rain.: from: Sun And Shade: New York: January, 1892: Vol. IV. No. 5.  (Whole No. 41)

Original copy for this entry posted to Facebook on January 25, 2012:

Very early American photography from the late 1880’s, what I’ll label the Naturalistic school (some may think otherwise) has been my work of late, with several new galleries posted to the site. Interestingly, photographers who were better known as artists, including William James Stillman and George Bacon Wood Jr. (he went by George B. Wood as a photographer) make up some of the plates I’m in the process of posting. This photograph, “After the Rain” by Alfred Stieglitz, was taken not in America however but in Mittenwald Germany in 1886 and is the earliest current work by him now included on PhotoSeed.

After the Rain

Image Dimensions22.9 x 19.0 cm | 20.1 x 17.0 cm (Japan tissue)

Support Dimensions23.5 x 28.2 cm | thin, manilla leaf