Interior.  Residence of William Barnes, Albany, N.Y.

Interior. Residence of William Barnes, Albany, N.Y.

Editorial comment on this plate:

Our readers have seen a specimen of Miss Barnes’s portrait work* and read her sensible remarks on photographing by side-light, published at the same time. They will, therefore, be all the more glad to examine this week a picture in an entirely different branch of work made by the same gifted lady amateur.
In presenting the Interior we are also fulfilling a promise half made to our readers at the time of giving them the previous picture.
The interior is accompanied by a descriptive article from Miss Barnes’s own pen, which tells us not only how this particular photograph was made, but also gives some excellent directions for practical interior work in general, so that nothing further need be said by us except to introduce the lady herself.

* “Five O’clock Tea,” presented in the January 24th number.
“Side-Light Portraiture,” in same issue.

Interior. Residence of William Barnes, Albany, N.Y.

Image Dimensions13.8 x 17.5 cm | published March 21, 1890 | issue No. 444

Support Dimensions20.5 x 28.7 cm