J.M. Appleton

J.M. Appleton

Editorial comment on this plate:


The President of our National Association of Photographers was born in the little town of Millersburg, O., September, 1848. In this small country town the boy Appleton grew up, was educated, and married.
The father dying when young Appleton was but eleven years old, our President was prevented from going to college, which had always been his great desire. He, however, managed to remain at school until the age of seventeen, when he was compelled to take up some profitable work.
“My debut in photography,” writes Mr. Appleton,” was in the year 1868. My tutor, B. F. Battels, of Akron, O.  As was the custom at that time, I paid him a tuition, and learned the business in two months. I then opened a gallery in my native place ; full-fledged, of course. (I don’t know as much now as I did then !) I had one redeeming quality, however, at that time—my aim was a big one, and nothing short of the top would satisfy my ambition. To that ambition I largely owe what little progress I have made.”
Mr. Appleton was married at twenty-one, and with a family to support, found the next few years rather hard ones. Still he struggled on, improving in his art as he worked, until the year 1876 he moved to Columbus, O., where he remained four years. From Columbus he moved to Dayton, where he has since been located, with the exception of a short period in Cleveland, O., last year, where he was associated with the veteran, J. F. Ryder.
Mr. Appleton received awards for meritorious work early in his photographic career. His first prize was for pictures exhibited at the County Fair. He then received awards at the State Fair; and, in 1887, his first gold medal at the Chicago Convention of the P. A. of A. This was for portrait work. The following year, at Minneapolis, three medals crowned his efforts; one gold, two silver. This represented two first and one second prize, also for portrait work.
Last year, in Boston, we all remember the excellence of Mr. Appleton’s exhibit. He was elected Vice-President of the Association at the Minneapolis Convention; and as an officer, generously declined to compete for medals at the Boston Convention. He was elected President of the Association with great enthusiasm, and the efficient fidelity with which he has served the fraternity since that time is well-known to all.

(this copy most likely supplied to the Times by the Photographers Association of America)

J.M. Appleton

Image Dimensionsimage: 14.3 x 11.1 cm | published August 8, 1890 | issue No. 464

Support Dimensionsdetail: 28.7 x 20.5 cm