Joy and Grief

Joy and Grief

Editorial comment on this plate:

Among other promises which the publishers of this magazine made at the close of the old year, was a series of statuary pictures to be shown throughout the new year. As one of that series, we present our readers this week with a copy of two very popular marbles made by the Centennial Company in 1876 during the International Exposition which was held in Philadelphia that year. The two statues are grouped in one picture, since they belong together and appear to better effect, one setting off and enhancing the other. As studies in pose, nothing could be better for our professional friends to examine. Perhaps some of them saw the originals. There are many good lessons to be learned in the careful study of the best statuary, especially valuable lessons for portrait photographers.
The reproduction is in photo-gelatine, by the Photo-Gravure Company of New York, and the terra cotta color selected is particularly pleasing with this subject.

Joy and Grief

Image Dimensions15.2 x 11.9 cm | published February 14, 1890 | issue No. 439

Support Dimensions28.7 x 20.5 cm